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Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 5 months ago

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Q: Why can't fixes always work the first time?

A: I don't know. I really don't.

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    But makin' "sure" that quotes still work!



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Email addresses are a problem on a PUBLIC websiite like this one because they are collected by Email Spammers. Therefore please DO NOT use an open address like


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The URL is

These are the instructions for making the link:


The required email address format following the link is #domaintype&personname&domainname

Optionally you can add an email Subject line, viz: #domaintype&personname&domainname&Subject%20line

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Hence for example the link needed for is

But a revealed email address is not very pretty, and such direct disclosure in any case not desirable

So make a hidden email address: email me 

Hidden email address with subject line: email me 

(click Edit to see how these were done)


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