Please note this is a legacy website for The Yateley Society.

Consequently the information on this page may be out of date and links broken

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The Yateley Society / FrontPage



Page history last edited by R H Johnston 9 years, 10 months ago

The Yateley Society



The Yateley Society is a Registered Charity which is also registered with The Civic Voice.

It has served the people of Yateley since 1981.


Registered Charity No 282397: Charitable Objects


Please Note: This website is largely obsolete.
Click here to access the current Yateley Society website, with details of current activities


What does the Yateley Society do?


Town and Country Planning

seeking better local planning - we have presented evidence at every major planning inquiry in Yateley since our formation, and are currently helping with the Parish Plan.


Local History

with a huge expanding database of information about the history of Yateley - a substantial amount of which is available here


Practical Nature Conservation

conserving important habitats through our conservation working party


Natural History

with a special interest in the heathland of Yateley Common


Talks, Walks and Visits programme

informing and gathering the views of members and the public about our work, and issues which affect Yateley people. Non-members are welcome


Publications and Links

Online, mail order publications and links to interesting sites


New! We are now selling historic photographs of Yateley through PhotoBox Gallery. This allows you to look at hisoric photos on screen, and order prints that are delivered directly to you by post. At the moment we have just a small part of our large collection available, but we will be adding to the collection as time passes. We are also looking for old photographs and pictures of Yateley that we can scan or photograph to add to the collection. Please contact us if you can help.


Newsletters online New - complete set of Newsletters now available


Recent Activities


Here we describe some recent - and not so recent - activities


Members Area

In this area we report the outcome of some of the Current Projects within the Society, and allow members passworded access materials subject to third party copyright restrictions.


Join the Society

to take part in these activities, or just to support us.

The more people who join the Yateley Society, the more effective our voice on Local Planning Issues becomes.


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