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The Yateley Society - Publications and Links


Online publications:

\"Lowland Heath, Landscape Features and Yateley Common\" article by Carol White, published in the MOD "Sanctuary" magazine (1.3Mb in size so may take a while to download!)


Mail order publications:


The Yateley Society has now changed its policies on publication, as a result of the high costs of keeping stocks of paper publications. With the exception of postcards, new publications, and publications that become out of print, will be made available mainly on this website, but printouts may be made available at their cost of production.


Paper publications available for purchase:


  • A Walk on Cricket Hill by Valerie Kerslake: A historically based walk round part of the Cricket Hill Conservation Area, 1996. 36 pages, 14 line illustrations, 1 map, A5 size.(price £4.00)
  • Yateley Hall 42 minute video walk round of Yateley Hall, with commentary by R H Johnston 1991, (VHS format £5, p&p £1.50) - made to order
  • The Yateley Tithe Map 1844, with the names of the owners, occupiers and field names &c. (price £2.50)
  • Yateley's Trees - A Walk in the Conservation Area (Yateley Green) Pocket leaflet - one third of A4, 12 pages and map. Revised Edn, April 1995. (£2.00)


Out of Print:

Today and Yesterday by Valerie Kerslake: A historically based walk round part of the Yateley Green Conservation Area. 39 pages, 30 illustrations, 1 map A5 size. - (some imperfect copies available)


Postcards - Modern (20p each)


  • 1) Yateley Hall with moat, Yateley Hall, Firgrove Road (published 1991)
  • 2) The pond at Yateley Green with houses on Firgrove Road behind (undated)
  • 3) The Chandlers Lane pond, Chandlers Lane (undated)
  • 4) The pond at Yateley Green with the nine lime trees planted in 1894 by the first parish council (summer view)(undated)
  • 6) St Peter's Church and the Dog and Partridge (published 1996)
  • 7) The pond at Yateley Green with lime trees and cricketers (published 2000)
  • 8) The pond at Yateley Green with boys fishing (published 2000)


Postcards - historic (sepia) (20p each)


  • 10) Gadds Stores Yateley (near Church), ca 1905
  • 11) Yateley church with Gadds stores and old Dog and Partridge, ca 1900
  • 12) The White Lion Inn ca 1900, featuring people in comtemporary dress


Please email us in the first instance stating requirements and how you propose to pay. Post and packing at cost. PayPal is preferred,and essential in the case of overseas buyers.


Interesting Links:


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